Thursday, March 20, 2008

Science Unit

Idea 1: This assignment would be for third graders. They will learn about systems of the body. They will use this knowledge to draw an image in pixie and write a brief description. The students will put each of their pages together to make a book. I will photocopy the book and sent it home for parents to view. The parents will have to send back a comment on the book. If the parents do not give back comments the student will not be penalized. These comments are just to try to get parents that may be less inclined to view their children's work to look at it and maybe spend some time talking to their child about the child's school work.

Idea 2: Students will do a lesson on rocks and use Nvu to make web pages based on their learning. This is for third or fourth graders. Students will be split into groups. Each group will be given a different type of rock. They will be asked to find a picture of the rock and post it on the web page. They will be asked to find three facts about the rocks that they were assigned. They will put these three facts on their websites as well. The whole thing will be put together as one big class website.

Idea 3: I will do a lesson on animals. This will be for first graders. I will teach them about farm animals. I will do this by reading them a book. We will play Old MacDonald with some of the animals they have learned. The class will use garage band to compose a song in the style of Old MacDonald for the animals they have learned about.

Idea 4: Students will learn about Owls using chat and e-mail. I will teach them some things about Owls and they will dissect Owl pellets. They will then send an e-mail to an expert on Owls using my e-mail account. They will ask the expert questions and set up a time to chat with the person, so they can ask follow up questions as they think of them.

Idea 5: Students will learn about the four seasons. They will use inspiration to make a timeline of the seasons. They will do this by rotation of the earth. They will learn about the earth's rotation and use inspiration to get pictures of the earth in relation to the sun and how that effects the seasons.

I will use idea 1.

1 comment:

Johanna Prince said...

G- idea one sounds great! A few questions to ponder...could you also make it a wiki book to share with other students as well? How will you give students choice? How will you provide different levels of challenge for different students?